Welcome to Cuss & Cake!

This space was inspired by the weird and wonderful rantings of three like-minded individuals who enjoy a good cussing session over a slice of cake.


Sometimes you gotta vent!

Chatting the crap that’s stuck in your brain is therapy and by letting it go we can feel a lickle freeness and relax…

That’s where the cake comes in.


Cos it’s not all bad, actually, a lot of it’s good, and we like to find the positive side of things.

Cake is the lighter side of life, the yummy bits, the times when we say “Fuck It!” and gorge out on gateaux.

And as for &…


Essays, memoirs and writings. 

&, is all the bits in-between, the randoms, occurrences, observations & btw’s. We’ve cussed, we’ve eaten our cake & what?

SO, let’s get started. Enough introductions cos I’ve got some shit on my mind & the spice bun is calling!

Hello and welcome to Cuss & Cake! 

 Cuss & Cake was originally started & Published @ cusscake.blogspot.co.uk

on September 10 2011 at 2:49pm Pacific Standard Time

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